Friday, June 6, 2014

Feminism and Churches

This morning took off with a wonderful start! Morgan, Maddie, and I went to breakfast where we were presented with the usual items: mango juice, boiled egg, cornflakes and milk, and toast. However, we also had some ruti with curried potatoes, which was definitely not the norm for breakfast, but it was sort of exciting considering America is the only country that has defined "breakfast foods" (cue The Fault in Our Stars reference). After breakfast I was able to talk to first my mother and then my father via Skype. It's always great to talk to them and to be able to share my stories of being in India with them.

Next I went to Stephen Nursing Home perusal. One of the first cases I saw was a little boy who had a staph infection on his face and was crying the entire time. It was very sad to see, but I felt better knowing that he was going home with a cream that would make it all better in no time! A woman also came in who initially thought she was not pregnant, but when Dr. Ravi made her take a pregnancy test, we all found out otherwise! The doctor said he always tells mothers to start birth control (mostly in utero) quickly after giving birth to prevent having children so close together; however, not all of them take this advice seriously. This mother was one of those people. She found out she was about 11-12 weeks pregnant and she currently has a 7-month old child. I can't even imagine having two children so close together!

Once again, many pharmaceutical reps came in, but one came in with a slogan that really caught the feminist part of my eye. The slogan went like this:
"Behind every successful man is a woman; Behind every infertile woman is a man."
Now, let's think about this for a minute… If a man is successful, clearly, the woman is behind him in some way. She may support him, but she is definitely NOT successful. Secondly, this sounds to me like the only time a man is at fault (when it comes to anything) is when the woman is infertile. Because women only support men and have babies… Sorry for the rant, it just really struck me! And it was pretty ironic because this morning I watched a video from Ellen in which she talked about the Bic Pens for Her. I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to watch; it's hilarious.

During our midday break, the three of us all went on a quick adventure. We walked down the street for quite a while just exploring what was there. One of the things we discovered was this beautiful church. Though we were not able to go inside, even the outside is beautiful. And since we were SOOO hot after our walk in the 105 degree heat, we decided we had to stop for ice cream on the way back! Yay for ice cream three times in one week… :)

When I returned to work, I met a man who was originally from Sri Lanka, had moved to India, and now lived in the UK, but was back in India for a visit. He was very interesting but also very hard to understand. Not only did he talk fairly quietly, his accent was also a mix between Sri Lankan, Indian, and British… not quite easy to get! After he left, Dr. Ravi and I talked about it and even he had a bit of a hard time hearing and understanding him. 

Anyways, tomorrow will be a very eventful day! I will be heading over to the Church of South India Mission General Hospital to work with a doctor over there for a couple of hours. After that, I will come back to the college for lunch then we will be heading to Saratha's to do a little bit of shopping for a couple more salwar kameez outfits and maybe a saree! We will end the day by visiting the Samayapuram Mariamman Temple! So I look forward to sharing that day with you tomorrow evening!

Until then,

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