Monday, June 16, 2014

The Follow-up Picture Post

So, there is going to be about three posts tonight if I get it all done! If not, one will just wait until tomorrow. But this is the post of pictures from Friday that I promised! So here ya go...

In India, silverware is not a thing, and you eat off of leaves!
Time for breakfast!
So that amazing coffee I told you about... yep, this is it. #Perfection
This is the old woman who owned the restaurant and drew the kolam!
She wants us to send her this picture so she can hang it up in the restaurant!
We saw this just on the road. The real life depiction of keeping all of your ducks in a row!
A statue of a Hindu god we saw during the drive
This little girl was a pretty cute distraction during the wedding
This little one came with us, but she wanted to learn the drums. Does she have your heart yet, daddy?
Here comes the bride!

Uhm... what is this stuff on your toe nails???
We even wore traditional jasmine in our hair for the wedding!
Dr. Ravi and Dr. Rohini, who were so wonderful to take us to the wedding!
I love my saree!

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