Thursday, June 12, 2014

My New Father-In-Law

Today was a fairly ordinary day at the Stephen clinic, except that it was my last... and that makes me very sad. My time at Stephen Nursing Home has taught me so much and I have come to look at Dr. Ravi and Dr. Rohini as substitute Indian parents. Today, they welcomed me into their home to show me around and show me their lives. I was able to look at both of their children's wedding albums as well as their own wedding photos. Though it was not necessary, Dr. Rohini even gave me some earrings, mangoes, and juice to take with me. It was very sad to say goodbye to the clinic and the nurses, but I hope to come back for at least one afternoon while I am still here. And don't worry, we took pictures.

I think that I've come to admire the doctors so much that even other people now think I am part of the family! There was a patient today that was absolutely convinced that I was Dr. Ravi's Daughter-in-law; though we reassured him multiple times that that was not the case! On another interesting note, I was also told that I had a "barbie face" today. I thought that was pretty strange since I'm fairly certain I look absolutely nothing like a barbie, but the compliment was very sweet anyways!
Dr. Ravi and the nurses! (and the woman who watches the shoes!)
Dr. Rohini and the nurses!
Also, I don't think I've talked about her much, but the woman to my left is Sister Lena, the head nurse. She is absolutely amazing and could basically be a doctor at any minute if she so desired. But she made me feel so welcome every day and I'm so glad she is at the clinic with Dr. Ravi and Dr. Rohini!

I did get to see one new thing today that I thought I would see much more often: a motorcycle accident victim. The man was rear-ended by a car while he was on his motorcycle and was very scraped up. He was able to walk though and he was all in one piece, that's what matters. 

Some interesting facts that I learned:
-A baby's heartbeat is twice the mother's, which is usually 70 bpm. Sometimes the mother's heartbeat is picked up instead of or with the baby's but they can be told apart by their very different speeds.
-In the Hindu culture, it is very common for the parents to marry their daughter before their son. So the daughter is often much younger when she is married, while the son may be 30 or so.
-Diabetes (especially chronic diabetes) causes damage to the nerves which causes patients to feel a burning sensation, which is very commonly felt in the feet.

Anyway, tomorrow Maddie, Morgan, and I will be headed to the wedding! We got our sarees back today from the tailor and tried to teach ourselves how to wrap them... It was "somewhat" successful!
So, I helped Morgan wrap her's, but this is the comparison photo. That is not even half the fabric - there are piles on the floor.
I'll have lots to say tomorrow night, I'm sure!

P.S. Whatsapp is an app that we often use to communicate while someone is abroad. Well here in India, they use it just like text messaging. So far, both Morgan and I have been asked if we use whatsapp so we are able to talk to people here. We have also seen a Whatsapp bag, and Dr. Ravi told me there is even a Whatsapp saree!

1 comment:

  1. I love the concept of family. You where invited into and accepted on so many levels. It says a lot about you and your spirit that others want to share now only what they have but who they are.
