Sunday, June 22, 2014

There's a Tree.

Hello everyone! It has been a very eventful weekend (especially Saturday) and I have a lot to share! Fortunately for me, most of my sharing can be done via pictures because you know what they say: A picture is worth a thousand words! So this blog post really has about 50,000+ words, because it has a lot of pictures! I'm really bad at narrowing down photos, so you've got about 50 to look through in this one! I hope you enjoy them all!

On Saturday morning we headed out a little before 5:30 am to head up to Kodaikanal, which is a hill station about 3.5 hours away from Trichy. Hill stations are towns on top hills that are common tourist and vacation spots since they are so much cooler than the rest of India. Also, fun fact: my best friend's boyfriend was born and lived in Kodaikanal (also abbreviated as Kodai) for four years when his parents were missionaries here in India! Pretty cool! Anyways, on the way to Kodai, we stopped for some Masala tea/coffee and cookies. Masala tea is what we call Chai tea in the US. Since I was unaware that this was the tea they served, I got coffee, but Maddie got tea and after trying it, I was very sad that I didn't get tea. But fret not, I got my own Marsala tea later! We also got cookies with the title "Dark Fantasy," which sounded a bit sensual to me, but they were absolutely delicious! They are chocolate cookies filled with chocolate syrup... yummmmmyyyy!
Here's your Dark Fantasy
We continued up the mountain and our first stop was at an overlook! The drive there looked almost like we were driving through the mountains of WNC; it almost made me forget we were in India! But a few honks will quickly recall your senses! On our way up, we took lots of photos, so we can take a quick break to look at those!
The overlook!

There was a really old structure that was built to have a better view of the overlook. I really wanted to climb it, but the wads of barbed wire made it very clear that they did NOT want anyone to climb it!
There was a temple at the overlook as well!
Monkeys! They look huge, but they are really only about a foot tall and super cute.
If you look closer, this mommy is carrying a baby!!!
Check out that smile!

Waterfall on the way up!

In Kodai and on the way up, there is a fruit called Jackfruit here but we know it as Durian Fruit. The funny part is Solomon (our RA who accompanied us up to Kodai) first told us they were called Junk Fruit, which we found hilarious. We had to explain to Solomon that in the U.S. "junk" means garbage, so it's basically called Garbage Fruit! We were also drying and Solomon was trying to tell us there was a "junk fruit" tree, but he ended up just saying "There's a tree" and we all cracked up since there were trees everywhere! 
Jackfruit tree
Masala Tea! So Delicious! I got some tea leaves to bring home - I just have to learn how to make it perfectly!
German Shepherd puppy!
Sorry for the gross photo, but this is how meat shops work here - gross...
Why did the monkey cross the road?
We also went on a "trek" or a hike through the forest and ended up at a waterfall overlooking Elephant Valley. The elephants hide out in the forest during the day and then come out at night, but since we were there during the daytime, we didn't get to see them! We were told that one had passed through, but we just missed it!
Maddie is scared of heights, so I had to help her down to this point so she could take a photo!
We almost climbed this, but it was very steep and Solomon was also scared of heights! But maybe one day if I come back I will continue my explorations of Kodai's forests!
Black pepper plant that looked a lot like Kudzu to us!
After we finished our trek through the forest, we drove the car up to the City View and the Silent Valley! From these points not only were you able to see the entire city, but take beautiful photos of a valley as well.
City View
Silent Valley - it was very bright, so we are all very squinty
Next we headed up to a pine forest. We have lots of pine trees in WNC, but I have never seen anything quite like a pine forest; there are very tall trees every couple of feet. It really puts you in perspective of how small we are in the world - as if being in India didn't do that already! The sad part of the forest is that it is not as beautiful as it could have been because people have littered everywhere. Not only do people just throw their trash everywhere, but they also leave shoes. It is not an uncommon site to just see one shoe left somewhere. Solomon seemed very confused when we asked why someone would leave their singular shoe; he just responded with "it's damaged." The cultural difference in that aspect is very strange!
Trash in the forest
It was a little slippery walking down - the tree caught me, no worries!
This is what happens when we go places and try to take pictures...
The last big stop we made was to Guna Cave. The cave used to be open, but the cave was actually very dangerous and people died, so they closed it off for various reasons! But they did leave areas open so you able to see into the cave through some fencing.
People just hang out on these awesome roots!
View from the cave 
This family wanted to take a picture with me and I couldn't resist this one especially since that little boy shook my hand when he met me - SO PRECIOUS
And after a long and beautiful day, we headed down the mountain. Lucky for me, I was finally able to have some real Indian naan and it was every bit as wonderful as I had hoped! Naan has to be made in a special oven, so we aren't able to have it at the hostel dining hall. It is my absolute favorite bread though and I was determined to not leave India without having it! I had it was paneer masala and it was very, very wonderful!
This little baby decided to have a snack right beside us!
So when we finally got back to the hostel, we were all exhausted and went straight to bed! Today we headed back over to Chennadakai Street for some more shopping. Since things are so cheap here in India (conversion rate is 60 rupees for 1 US Dollar), we have all decided to stock up for gifts for everyone. I decided it really doesn't matter if I get too much because: a) I am sending a box of stuff home before I travel Europe regardless and b) if I have too many gifts to give upon my return, I can always save them and give them to others throughout the year! Tomorrow I will be headed back to Janet Nursing Home for the morning shift and there is another surgery at Stephen Nursing Home tomorrow evening, so I will be headed there in the evening instead of Janet.

Until tomorrow,