Thursday, May 29, 2014

India... Here we come!

Morgan and I have safely landed from our first flight out of four! We began our journey across the World at 2:30 pm this afternoon and have now landed at the JFK airport in New York, from which we will leave at 10:40 this evening to head to Abu Dhabi. We will not actually land in Tiruchirappalli (Trichy, for short), India until 3:15 pm on Saturday, May 31! We have a little under 40 hours total travel time and about 21 hours actually in the air… So a very long trip. I cannot wait to arrive in Trichy and experience all the new things it has to offer!

Before our first flight, we happened to meet a man who was actually from Chennai, India! It was interesting being able to talk to him about India. He was also pretty funny… he reminded us (once again) not to drink the water and to have hand sanitizer with us at all times!

Anyways, I posted a few pictures below of what has happened so far! This is only the beginning of my journey, and I can't wait to share the rest of it with you!


A double rainbow appeared on Wednesday before I left. I took this as a very good omen for the upcoming trip!

The baggage…

Morgan and I getting ready to head to the airport for our first take-off!


  1. Great first entry and double rainbow! Can't wait to hear more. Enjoy and don't drink the really!

  2. I am so excited for you and will have to live vicariously through your adventures. It seems like you would have to be brave to take a trip like that. You seem to have the adventuresome spirit like your older siblings. I love you and look forward to hearing all about your adventures.
